The Disability Empowerment Center is the Center for Independent Living serving Lancaster and Lebanon Counties. DEC is a private, nonprofit, nonresidential organization run by and for people with disabilities. We dedicate our efforts to breaking through the barriers to Independent Living.


Our Mission

Empowering individuals with disabilities to make choices through education, collaboration, and advocacy.

Our Ultimate Focus

Through all of our individual and collective efforts, we work to eliminate barriers, ensure access, protect civil rights, and affect positive social change.

Introduction To The Disability Empowerment Center

Peer Mentoring

Peer Mentoring is when a person with a disability works with other persons with disabilities who are living independently in the community. The objective is to explore options and t0 solve problems that sometimes occur for people with disabilities,. Some examples of this include: makeing adjustents to a newly acquired disability, experiencing changes in living arrangements or learning to use community services more effectively.

Independent Living Skills

We provide the skills, education and encouragement to enable individuals with disabilities to live independently by assisiting them in developing an individualized plan so they can make their own choices as to what it means to them to be independent. We then work together with them to implement that plan.

Information and Referral

We provide information about services provided by public and private service providers and a brief assessment of consumer needs (but not diagnosis and evaluation) to facilitate appropriate referral to these community resources. We also provide referrals to and coordination among other service providers.


 We provide two types of advocacy: individual advocacy is supporting people to exercise their rights by providing assistance to: voice concerns, access information, resolve issues or to identify available support options. We also provide community or systems advocacy 


We assist and provide support to individuals with disabilities who are looking to relocate from nursing facilities or institutionalized settings into the community so they may live independently.

We also provide support, education and advocacy to parents of school age children with disabilities as well as provide one on one individualized support to young adults with disabilities who are making the transition from hight school to adult life

Success Stories

Take Action

Volunteer your energy, talents and resources to bring inspiration and hope to those who need it. 


Our Collaborative Partners

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